
After I leave,

from the very next day

how would all the conversations centered around me go ?

Would they talk of love? Or resentment? Or disappointment?

Will they talk about my luck? Or will they talk about all the things I will be missing out on?

Among my good deeds, choices, and my mistakes, which ones would be deemed worth remembering?

Will they recall what I did all these years? And ponder the intentions? Or will they talk about a wasted future in terms of sheer potential?

What reason will they arrive at for my death?

Drugs? Love? Illness? Money? Life itself?

What would I have been running away from, in their eyes? 

Responsibilities? Hard Truth? Failure? Myself?

Will any pair of hands stumble across all the incomplete notes I left stashed beneath my desk,

With all my messages to Mother earth,

With all the masterpieces that I strived to make

With all my sketchy plans to save the world, 

meant to be executed once I managed to save myself.

And if not, at least to be heard.

But none containing the purpose as to why I decided my blood needs to flow out instead of stay inside my limbs,

Why I felt scarlet stains looked way better than rosé,

And why, I thought that my unending absence belonged to, and affected me and only me,

And was something only I needed to decide on.

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